Want to write about the cinema, sharpen your perspective and widen your film culture? Two hours of daily classes, during a week of amazing discussion and lessons with Michel Ciment, a major figure of French film reviews, a historian, writer and the director of Positif magazine.
Monday the 15th to Friday the 19th of October
More information and registration coming soon.
Programs, guests, and five live daily broadcasts from the village and the Café des Négociants. Radio Lumière also features great interviews, rebroadcasts of master classes and events, with a daily roundup of the MIFC and, naturally, a program of 100% movie music!
Tune in to Radio Lumière on the festival website, Deezer or Radio Lyon Première (90.2 FM). Podcasts on Soundcloud and Itunes.
Pick up a copy every morning in the village, in movie theaters or check it out it online. All the news day by day - interviews, events, snapshots - created by the festival’s team of journalists.
Get even more exclusive content on the website, through newsletters and on social media.
Synopsis, analyses, newly published photos... Delve into the work of filmmakers and go behind the scenes of the Lumière films.
15 € - Catalog free with general or duo accreditation.
Catalog launch on Wednesday, October 10th at 6pm at the Decitre Bellecour bookstore.
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